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With prior reservation, customers can take part in kokeshi-painting workshops at Tree Tree Ishinomaki. Hayashi gives detailed guidance on how to use paintbrushes and turntables to successfully decorate the kokeshi.
Workshop time: 60 – 90 mins
Fee: ¥2,500 each (up to 2 people), ¥2,000 each (3 or more)
Workshop hours: 10:00 – 16:00 (except Wednesdays & 12:00 – 13:00)
Maximum 6 people per session, smaller groups may be combined with others
Umimachi-sanpo offers a set package of the kokeshi-painting workshop and a lunch of kaisen-don (assorted seafood sashimi on rice) at Ishinomaki Genki Ichiba restaurant.

kokeshi-painting workshop

kokeshi-painting workshop at an outside event

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